
Founded by Allen Zhang and Jake Germano in 2016, the University of Toronto Poker Club began as a part of the Innis TGIF Boardgames Club. The group of poker players went by the name of Innis Poker Players. In its beginning, the group consisted of 20-30 members and had its first meeting in November 4, 2016. In the first main event tournament of the club, Arthur Rabinovich came out victorious among the competition.

As there were no university-wide poker club at the time, the two founders applied to become a UTSU club in the November of 2017. Around the same time, the Innis TGIF Boardgames Club ended and the poker club ended up hosting its own events. The club continued to grow and the club even ran some games at HartHouse during the summer of 2018 and 2019.

The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 hit the club particularly hard, as running in-person games became impossible. During the lockdowns, the club hosted its events on its own online poker multiplayer platform and PokerStars.


You can get in touch with the club via email.


Below contains the lists of people who were part of the executive team for each year.

Please note that all members of the executive team have an equal standing.

Year 2023/24
  • Events Lead: Suyash Shivare
  • Finance Lead: William Kwan
  • Marketing Lead: Alyssa Tiw
Year 2022/23
  • Events Lead: Juho Kim 
  • Finance Lead: Albert Tang
  • Marketing Lead: Hoon Baeg
Year 2021/22
  • Events Lead: Juho Kim 
  • Finance Lead: Albert Tang
  • Marketing Lead: Hoon Baeg
Year 2020/21
  • Events Lead: Juho Kim 
  • Finance Lead: Albert Tang
  • Marketing Lead: Hoon Baeg
Year 2019/20
  • Events Lead: Artemis Entreri
  • Finance Lead: Michelle Jung
  • Marketing Lead: Angela Kim
Year 2018/19
  • Allen Zhang
  • Jake Germano
Year 2017/18
  • Allen Zhang
  • Jake Germano
Year 2016/17
  • Allen Zhang
  • Jake Germano